I am extremely happy to start my own blog and please join me in the celebration with a sweet red velvet mug cake :)
5 tablespoons of plain flour
1 heaped tablespoon of cocoa powder
5 tablespoons of vegetable oil
4 tablespoons of powdered sugar
4 1/2 tablespoons of buttermilk
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1/2 - 1 teaspoon of red food colouring (absolutely optional.. I used it just to justify my title if u skip this it would still be a lovely chocolate mug cake!)

1. Mix all the dry ingredients (would be better if you sieve them)
2. Add all the liquid ingredients to the dry mixture and mix very well to form a smooth batter as shown
3. Take a microwave safe mug and grease it well with oil (I used a heat resistant ceramic coffee mug). Pour the batter into the greased mug (Pour it only to fill half of the mug, I made a mistake by pouring to 3/4ths of the mug and hence it raised too high)
4. Bake it in the microwave for 1.5-2 mins on high (it took just 1.5 mins for me). Prick in a toothpick to check if it comes out clean, to see if the cake is done.
5. You could decorate the cake as per your wish by doing icing or just sprinkling some powdred sugar on top (like shown) and you are ready to dig in!!!!!!!! This warm moist cake would taste heavenly with a scoop of vanilla ice cream!!
A very different and yet easiest cake to surprise your guests Happy festive season to all
5 tablespoons of plain flour
1 heaped tablespoon of cocoa powder
5 tablespoons of vegetable oil
4 tablespoons of powdered sugar
4 1/2 tablespoons of buttermilk
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
1/2 - 1 teaspoon of red food colouring (absolutely optional.. I used it just to justify my title if u skip this it would still be a lovely chocolate mug cake!)

1. Mix all the dry ingredients (would be better if you sieve them)
2. Add all the liquid ingredients to the dry mixture and mix very well to form a smooth batter as shown
3. Take a microwave safe mug and grease it well with oil (I used a heat resistant ceramic coffee mug). Pour the batter into the greased mug (Pour it only to fill half of the mug, I made a mistake by pouring to 3/4ths of the mug and hence it raised too high)
4. Bake it in the microwave for 1.5-2 mins on high (it took just 1.5 mins for me). Prick in a toothpick to check if it comes out clean, to see if the cake is done.
5. You could decorate the cake as per your wish by doing icing or just sprinkling some powdred sugar on top (like shown) and you are ready to dig in!!!!!!!! This warm moist cake would taste heavenly with a scoop of vanilla ice cream!!
A very different and yet easiest cake to surprise your guests Happy festive season to all
This is superb! Would love to try this. :)